french company geodateo is
a french company


About us

The company

geo dateo logois registered in France.

SIRET : 88018998000019

Contact email address :

Legal representative :
M. Judicaël BULLY

Postal address :
20 rue Bellevue
25870 Châtillon-le-Duc
FR - France

Web Hosting provider

7 place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
FR - France

Photo Credits

Photos throughout this site are free photos authorized for commercial usage.
They are provided by Pixabay, except where otherwise indicated.
Icons from the fontawesone-free library.

Publication director

Publication director : Mr Judicaël BULLY

Intellectual property

The texts, graphic charter, images of the site and the domain name are the exclusive property of geodateo.
All of the texts and images making up the www.geodateo.com site fall under the french Intellectual Property Code and are therefore protected.
Therefore, under Article 122-4 of the french Intellectual Property Code, any representation, reproduction, translation, use, arrangement, adaptation, transformation, by any art or process, whether partial or total, of one of the constituent elements of the site, produced without the prior written consent of the company geodateo, is prohibited.